Zsolt Szabo |
Hi Andrei! Gordon Stewart and I collected the paddle steamers data from all the world.
In Your picture this paddle steamer I don't see before. i interested in this ship. Please, have You more info from this ship? Exactly where it is, and have you bigger and more picture from this?
Best regards, Zsolt Szabo Raspuns: I'm not sure that I can help you very much because boats are not one of my hobbies. If it helps, I've seen this boat on September 20, 2011, in the Danube Delta, Romania, between Tulcea and Sulina, and just took a photo of this. It seems that the paddle steamer was bound to another small boat for tow. |
2011-11-28 12:08:46 |
esimo annonimus |
Parca esti pe Mississippi alaturi de Huckleberry Finn! Unde l-ati gasit? |
2011-11-25 23:31:15 |
esimo annonimus |
Parca esti pe Mississippi alaturi de Huckleberry Finn! Unde l-ati gasit?
Imi place culoarea si lumina apei.
Si toata tevatura de obiecte de pe el. Raspuns: Undeva langa Crisan, pe Bratul Sulina, in Delta Dunarii. Multumiri! |
2011-11-25 23:31:15 |
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Este mult mai usor sa critici decat sa fii corect. - Benjamin Disraeli
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